– Based on the official Julia colours.
#= Multiline comments... can be... #= nested #= to =# any depth. =# =# # A single line comment. # And another one. # Array and tuple literals. [1, 3, 3, 4][1:end] (1, 2, 1.0)[1:2] [(1, 3), (3, 4)][end - 1] # Keywords. if x in y # ... end x in y ? false : true let x = 1 local t global s t = x s = x end module M end baremodule M end typealias T A abstract A <: T type Point{T} x::T y::T Point(x) = new(x, 2x) @inline function Point(x, y) return new(y, x) end end immutable Empty{T} end macro something(x...) # ... end # Character literals. ' ', '\n', '\'', '"', '\u1234', '⻆' # String literals. ⻪ = " " "'" "\"\" ..." " a " """ ... """ " $x $(let x = y + 1; x^2; end) ... \n" r"[a-z]+$xyz"m raw"\n\n\r\t...\b" raw"""\n\n\r\t...\b"""abc v"0.0.2" ≥ v"0.0.1" run(`foo $bar --baz $([a, b, c])`) 1_000_000_000 + 1.0e-9 * .121 / 1121. 1f0 - 1E-12 0b100_101_111 0o12123535252 0x4312afAfabC 1234 1_2_3_4